
Improving the experience.

During my time at Karlstadmakers, I had the opportunity to engage in practical experience through my lia which is a part of my Changemaker Education’s UX and experience design course. Over a period of 5 months, I collaborated with Johan Rosén to enhance his programming education program for kids, which was focused on Roblox. This collaboration led to the creation of Bloxcamp, a company centered around our project

Gound work

During the initial phase of Bloxcamp, our primary focus was on establishing a new name and creating a cohesive graphic design profile to visually represent the changes we envisioned. Through intensive brainstorming and thorough research, we arrived at the name BloxCamp, as it perfectly complemented both our branding goals and the Roblox platform. Carefully considering the significance of education, we selected colors that resonated with this theme, which led us to prominently feature shades of purple in our design.

Upgrading the experience

To create an authentic virtual school experience, we research and designed by utilizing mind maps, brainstorming exercises, and studying various educational institutions, we aimed to enhance the school’s atmosphere. The final result was met with positive feedback from the participants, who felt fully immersed in the virtual environment. Below there is a before and after comparison of the virtual school. 

To enhance the overall experience, we introduced a unique element to the course a fictional degree that participants can obtain upon completing the program. This degree is an in-game achievement within Roblox, serving as a symbolic trophy that commemorates their journey through the course. By incorporating the degree we aimed to leave a lasting memory for the participants. The examination received a positive response further contributing to the course’s engagement.

Social media acounts

As part of the project, I took on the responsibility of promoting Bloxcamp and expanding its reach to the public. To achieve this goal, I established a social media presence by creating accounts on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. While these social media platforms allowed us to connect with new audiences, the analytics revealed that the courses weren’t gaining significant traction from these channels. This insight prompted us to explore alternative approaches to attract more course participants. We decided to focus our efforts on Facebook ads, as it presented an opportunity to tap into a larger customer base that aligned better with our target demographic.

The teaching

To make the online education better we established a dedicated Discord server as the central platform for hosting our courses. This server not only served as the virtual classroom but also acted as an interactive hub, fostering connections among course participants in Roblox programming. Our lectures followed a structured approach, with teachers guiding participants through various aspects of Roblox development. After the initial presentation, we divided into smaller groups, facilitating more personalized assistance for those who required it. This format received positive feedback and proved to be highly effective. In the video below, you can witness the beginning of our first lecture, where we demonstrated different mechanics in the virtual Roblox school.

After the Lia

After the lia project, my work with Karlstadmakers continued, and we received a request from Karlstad municipality to organize a physical BloxCamp summer camp spanning two weeks. I accepted and assumed the role of a summer teacher for BloxCamp. The experience of teaching in-person proved to be beneficial for both the kids and us teachers, as we could easily identify and address the challenges they faced. The two-week summer camp was a resounding success, leaving a positive impact on all participants. Thanks to my work with BloxCamp, I was appointed as a board member for JR Educations AB, a rewarding opportunity that stemmed from my dedication to the program.


If you have any questions or want to get in touch with me, please visit the contact page to find my contact information.